Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dog’s Knees: Chapter 9- One Good Knee Deserves Another

This is one of several chapters chronicling our successful story of recovery from bilateral TPLO surgeries.

We had a fantastic Fall 2010, and were getting our money's worth out of Penny's $4000 knee.

All seemed right with the world...


Right around Christmas she started limping again.  This time it was the right knee.  We knew that there was a good chance this would happen, we just didn't think it would be so soon.

There was no hesitation this time around- January 5th we took her back in to see her ol' pals at the Animal Surgical Center of Seattle and said, "Just do it." It's winter, she's bored anyhow and hanging out on the couch, she might as well be recovering at the same time.

In a way, I'm glad it happened so soon after the first knee- we all remembered exactly what to do.  The nerdy-pants mom that I am pulled out the old diary, the old training calendar, the old medicine chart, and the old pictures.  The baby gates went back up, and the ice packs were in the freezer.

Rehabilitation of knee #2 was incredibly uneventful- essentially a mirror image of knee #1.

Here we are in March 2011, one full year after the limping started, and what is the one thing I am most thankful for?

Dogs only have 2 knees.

Yours truly- Tigerlily

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