Monday, July 25, 2011


I love finding FREE stuff.

In early April, I was out walking the puppies and came across a bag on the curb with a FREE sign on it.  Yes, I still call them puppies, even though they are both grown adult dogs.  

I could resist looking, and lo and behold, it was full of strawberry plants!

What variety, you might ask?  I'll tell ya what variety- FREE.

I picked through to select about a dozen and a half of the healthiest crowns, trimmed off the dead stuff, and put them in a sunny spot in the vegetable bed.  Well, sunny is a relative term. Sunny-ish.  This is Seattle after all- our idea of sunny is a bit skewed.

The spot I chose also happened to be next to the rhubarb- that's it in the foreground.
I figured these two better get to know each other early on.

By mid-June, the plants had about doubled in size, and were starting to fill with blossoms.
The monster rhubarb, in the meantime, had about quadrupled in size!

A few more weeks, and ta-da!

Sweet, Summer Perfection!

I love finding FREE stuff.

Yours truly-

1 comment:

  1. It sure looks like the right person found that paper bag, Tigerlily! Strawberries & rhubarb look beautiful growing close to each other.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
