Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dog’s Knees: Chapter 4- Baby Steps

This is one of several chapters chronicling our successful story of recovery from bilateral TPLO surgeries.

12 days after surgery, we had our first follow-up appointment with the surgeon, and were given the green light to begin active rehab.

"Oh, mom, say it ain't so-- I'm busy resting!"

The first steps really were just that- two 5-minute leash walks a day.  It may not sound like much, but it was a big deal!  Most of the walks were from the house, but for a few, we'd make the drive to Mud Bay so she could go "shopping" and see some of her favorite treat-dispensing friends.

 "Come on, Lady, get my harness! I've got shopping to do!"

 We were also careful to make sure that if she seemed to overdo it at all, that ice packs and rest followed.

Penny also got several human visitors during those first few weeks, just to keep her spirits up.  I think that this is important for dogs like her, who tend to be quite serious & sensitive to odd situations.

Nice looking healing- about 4 weeks post-op

The green light also included the permission to pursue hydrotherapy, which was one of the best decisions we could have made.  More to come on that, though, later!

Yours truly- Tigerlily

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